We love museums. And we strongly believe that museums are capable of significantly impacting the lives of individuals and our communities through their work. How?
Because we believe museums:
Yet we also realize that we are outliers, and most people do not feel the same way. Even regular museum-goers do not necessarily connect museum experiences with specific outcomes in their life.
That is where research comes into play. Through thoughtful lines of inquiry, it is possible for individuals to begin to articulate the role museums have, or have not had, in their lives. Or to gain a better understanding of how museums can serve their communities more effectively. To connect experience to outcome.
It isn’t easy work, but the thriving museum of the future understands that this kind of research and data is important. That research and data are tools for thoughtful decision making, enabling a deeper fulfillment of the mission in meaningful, affective ways. And that data and research can also help us provide evidence to stakeholders of the impact museums can have on individuals and communities.
But research and data are only tools. It is what we do with them that really matters. It is how we take the knowledge accumulated, interpret it, and share it in a way that enables confident decision-making. That’s Knowledge Curation™, the unique experience and thinking that we provide to museums.
The data generated by Wilkening Consulting, whether for custom client engagements or in field-wide studies, is designed to serve this field.
Here’s what that means: