Wilkening Consulting Values Statement

At Wilkening Consulting, we want to ensure that we are fairly considering the perspectives of all museum-goers … and not privileging the ones that we personally agree with. To do this, we:

  • Understand that our lived experiences can be very different than those of others
  • Feel strongly it is our moral imperative for museums to share inclusive content and work to be more sustainable in their practices
  • Strive to understand how our own values and experiences affect our biases, and work to mitigate those biases when working with data; we do this by:
    • Grounding research in evidence, quantitative and qualitative
    • Look carefully for qualitative responses reflecting multiple perspectives, and note when any perspectives are particularly strongly expressed
    • Field qualitative panels that are open to all perspectives and are deliberately populated with diverse positions
American Alliance of Museums Annual Survey Methodology 2024