The base fee for the Annual Survey of Museum-Goers is $1,250 for museums launching their survey January 1 – March 8;
it increases to $3,250 for museums launching their surveys after that date.

Custom questions:

​$350 each, maximum of three

Note: if you include custom questions, the inclusion questions will be dropped from your survey in order to keep the survey length manageable for respondents. Open-ended questions count as two questions. There will be no exceptions to the max 3 rule (this is to reduce survey fatigue for the respondent). Questions need to be finalized before you launch your survey.

Extra links to survey/URL variables:

​$100 each

Extra URL variables can be used to pre-segment your responses by source, such as your email list versus social media. Your results by URL variable will be presented as a cross tab on your spreadsheet report (but written-in comments, your slide deck report will not be separated out by URL variable). Minimum 75 responses/URL variable to run this reporting. You will be billed at 50% if minimum response is not met. This needs to be finalized before you launch your survey.

Full reporting by URL variable in spreadsheet and slide deck reports:

​$350/URL variable

If you are using extra URL variables, this option provides full reporting throughout your spreadsheet report (all written-in comments are separated out by URL variable) and in your slide deck report (maximum 2 URL variables for readability in slide deck). Minimum 75 responses/URL for full report treatment. This can be added after your survey has launched.

Additional cross tab reports:

​​$100 each, must have an overall sample of 500 to request

Each requested cross tab will appear as a separate tab in your spreadsheet report. Can be requested by specific question (e.g., by age or other demographic characteristic), by life stage, or other parameters you define.​ This can be added after your survey has launched.

Raw data spreadsheet of results:


All personally identifying information will be removed. This can be added after your survey has launched.

Coding of all written-in comments from your respondents:

$650 to $1,800+

We will hand-code your written-in comments and share the results, including brief commentary and takeaways. This can be added after your survey has launched.
Pricing varies based on size of sample (We recommend a sample of at least 250 for stability, but offer coding for smaller museums who may reach stability with a smaller sample size):

• <250 responses: $650 

• 251 – 500 responses: $850

• 501 – 1000 responses: $1,250

• 1,001 – 2,000 responses: $1,800

• Samples above 2,000: $300 per 500 responses above 2,000

One hour of private consultation with Wilkening Consulting about your results:


First hour is complimentary to Tier 3 members of AAM or museums that participated in the 2017 – 2019 Annual Surveys.

Broader population sampling in your community:


Click here for more information (scroll past “data cuts” section).

Any other special requests, please contact Jessica Strube at
jessica (at) wilkeningconsulting (dot) com for a quote.