The base fee for the Annual Survey of Museum-Goers is $1,250 for museums launching their survey January 1 – March 8;
it increases to $3,250 for museums launching their surveys after that date.
Note: if you include custom questions, the inclusion questions will be dropped from your survey in order to keep the survey length manageable for respondents. Open-ended questions count as two questions. There will be no exceptions to the max 3 rule (this is to reduce survey fatigue for the respondent). Questions need to be finalized before you launch your survey.
Extra URL variables can be used to pre-segment your responses by source, such as your email list versus social media. Your results by URL variable will be presented as a cross tab on your spreadsheet report (but written-in comments, your slide deck report will not be separated out by URL variable). Minimum 75 responses/URL variable to run this reporting. You will be billed at 50% if minimum response is not met. This needs to be finalized before you launch your survey.
If you are using extra URL variables, this option provides full reporting throughout your spreadsheet report (all written-in comments are separated out by URL variable) and in your slide deck report (maximum 2 URL variables for readability in slide deck). Minimum 75 responses/URL for full report treatment. This can be added after your survey has launched.
All personally identifying information will be removed. This can be added after your survey has launched.
We will hand-code your written-in comments and share the results, including brief commentary and takeaways. This can be added after your survey has launched.
Pricing varies based on size of sample (We recommend a sample of at least 250 for stability, but offer coding for smaller museums who may reach stability with a smaller sample size):
• <250 responses: $650
• 251 – 500 responses: $850
• 501 – 1000 responses: $1,250
• 1,001 – 2,000 responses: $1,800
• Samples above 2,000: $300 per 500 responses above 2,000
Click here for more information (scroll past “data cuts” section).
Any other special requests, please contact Jessica Strube at
jessica (at) wilkeningconsulting (dot) com for a quote.